Jetpack Identity

I ordered Identity: Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv a few months ago, and today it surprised me when it showed up at my doorstep. Over my lunch break, I took a quick look at it, and it’s a beautiful book I can’t wait to spend more time with.

The official product shot

After a few minutes I wondered whether Jetpack’s new logo would be included in the book. I figured it wouldn’t, since there were only a few months between when CGH did the logo and the book’s publication. Lo and behold…

Look ma, we made it

There we were in the index. I turned to page 269, and:

In all its PANTONE 2271 C glory

Pretty amazing to see Jetpack listed alongside some of the giants of industry that make up the portfolio of Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv.

Published by Matt Miklic

Designer, and other useful things.